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Bags should be this page biodegradable When we go to the grocery store, we typically don think twice about the plastic bag we use.However, these bags rarely get recycled, becoming an eyesore, littering our environment and harming Louis Vuitton Bags For Women - Buy Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags Online Shop UK animals.New jersey needs to tackle this issue. Putting a fee on plastic bags is a step in the right direction.However, that will not protect marine life, reduce litter or reduce our waste stream by encouraging recycling.A fee may stop some individuals from using plastic bags, but it does not guarantee bags will be recycled. Instead of a pure ban on bags, alternatives should be made available that are biodegradable or recyclable.The production of plastic bags requires both petroleum and natural gas.Plastic bags can take up to 1, 000 years to decompose, and never even do so louis vuitton bags men sale completely;Instead, they become microscopic pieces of plastic.There are massive areas in our oceans containing this debris.These minuscule pieces of plastic can leach toxins into the soil, groundwater and enter our food chain.We must contain this problem by banning plastic bags that aren biodegradable.Uninsured will drop dramatically under affordable care actsweeney says christie is blocking republicans from supporting gay marriagerutgers recruiting chat archive:Q a with todderick hunt.

